Welcome to my blog. I started this blog to share with the public the joy of my creations. I hope more people will join me on this journey. Bonsai is a very peaceful and rewarding passtime, hobby, craft or art. Make your choice. You can contact me at newzealandteatreebonsai@gmail.com.
Enjoy and Cheers.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Styling on an Air Layered Japanese Maple

I air layered this Japanese Maple about 6 -7 years ago. Since then I have not done anything to it. I am kind of disappointed with myself. Part of the reason could be the not so nice appearance of Maple during our hot summer - burnt leave. This is the result of our extremely dry weather. The only way to overcome this is to put it into a greenhouse with artificially high humidity. However, in Spring the Japanese Maple looks fantastic. Yesterday I was inspired to spend sometime working on my neglected Japanese Maple. This is the tree before work.

The tree after work. It is obvious that twin trunk is the way forward. This is the first styling and it will probably takes many more re-styling as well as many more years to grow this tree into a decent bonsai.