Welcome to my blog. I started this blog to share with the public the joy of my creations. I hope more people will join me on this journey. Bonsai is a very peaceful and rewarding passtime, hobby, craft or art. Make your choice. You can contact me at newzealandteatreebonsai@gmail.com.
Enjoy and Cheers.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Developing Two Trees In One

I have about 17 varieties of Tea Trees in my garden. So a fair bit of cross pollinations take place. This tea tree grow by itself about 4 - 5 years ago. The foliages and flowers are different from any tea trees I have in my garden. So I presume it must have been a result of cross pollinations. Who are the parents, I am not sure. I have yet to see something similar in any of the nurseries I visited. Anyway today I worked on it. My idea was to develop two bonsai out from this one tree in the next few years. One styled broadly in the shape of a deciduous tree and the other taller and more in the outline of a conifer. My plan is to grow the tree until the trunk is 3 - 4  times the current size. Then I will then airlayer the upper "conifer" part. Today I cleaned up the unnecessay branches and twigs and roughly wired the two trees into position. CJ.

The tree before work:

The tree after work:

The "deciduous" part:

The "conifer" part:

My visions in 10 years time: