Welcome to my blog. I started this blog to share with the public the joy of my creations. I hope more people will join me on this journey. Bonsai is a very peaceful and rewarding passtime, hobby, craft or art. Make your choice. You can contact me at newzealandteatreebonsai@gmail.com.
Enjoy and Cheers.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A few Shohin Bonsai

I have trees from 5 cm to over a metre. The small ones are easy to handle. The big ones are a challenge especially during photography session. Here are some of my shohin. Enjoy n cheers, CJ.

Pyracantha, 22 cm, trained from $1 nursery stock since 2001.

JBP, 23 cm, trained since 2004.

Lilypilly, 19 cm, trained from $2 nursery stock 2001.

Tiger bark ficus, 20 cm, trained from $4 nursery stock since 1998.

Wild Olive, 15 cm, dug 2001.