Welcome to my blog. I started this blog to share with the public the joy of my creations. I hope more people will join me on this journey. Bonsai is a very peaceful and rewarding passtime, hobby, craft or art. Make your choice. You can contact me at newzealandteatreebonsai@gmail.com.
Enjoy and Cheers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A bottlebrush bonsai

Well, beside making bonsai from tea tree, I also played around
a fair bit with other Australian natives. Today, let me show you
one of my bottlebrush bonsai. I have been training it for the last
9 years. What I like about this specie are the distinctive attractive
barks and the consistent flowering in early Spring. If they are
well look after, they will reward you with a second flowering
season immediately after the first.